From Amish to Acceptance: Laura Geideman’s Journey
With Laura Geideman.
Raised in an Amish community in rural Ohio, Laura Geideman believed she had to work her way to Heaven. She feared death. Every night, she would wonder if she’d done enough to deserve God’s love. So she was elated when her older sister shared the gift of salvation—the gift of a relationship with a loving God—but her joy was short-lived. Her parents and the Amish community in which her family lived made it clear that she and her sister had a choice—accept the Amish faith, or leave and be shunned by their family and the community. At age 18, Laura knew she had to leave to find her spiritual home. Her story is about finding the courage and strength to leave the place you know for the place where you will find what you need.
- Grief recovery with Vicki Hagadorn (Inner Healing)
- Dr. Caroline Leaf
- Dr. Henry Cloud (Boundaries)
- A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce (Spiritual Roots & Identity)
- Freedom From Grief
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Full Interview Transcript
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